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Changelog 24.01.2025 ✅ * Fixed reported movement issues with Stun mobility on Fenrir/Horse * Fixed White/Red Wizard monster spawn coordinate issue when it was not spawned as group but individually * Fixed incorrect drop rate % in (CC) Chaos Castle item rewards in HIGH x1000 (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=chaos-castle) * Fixed incorrect HP for Illusion of Kundun VI * Added 100% drop chance from Illusion of Kundun I-VI accordingly to their related Symbol of Kundun version (1 piece automatically added in inventory) * Added 20% drop chance of Soul/Bless from Soldier/Acher minion monsters in Red/White Wizard invasions (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=mini-boss) * Added 100% drop chance of Splinter of Armor/Bless of Guardian from Scout (Hero) and Werewolf (Hero) monsters (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=fenrir) * Added 10% drop chance of Fragment of Horn from Dark Elf (Crywolf event) Boss monsters (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=boss-rewards) * Added 10% drop chance of Broken Horn from Balgass (Crywolf event) Boss (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=boss-rewards) * Changed Elite Hell Maine Boss item drop reward to: 50/50% chance to get non-exc/exc ancient(info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=stage-system) * Changed (CC) Chaos Castle 7 map ancient drop reward to: 50/50% chance to get non-exc/exc ancient, in case of ancient drop is rolled out (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=chaos-castle) * Changed (CC) Chaos Castle 1-7 map EXP boost (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=map-info) * Changed ML EXP boost in SwampOfPeace map from 20% to 30% (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=map-info) * Changed SUM Berserker skill buff effect from 15% to 30%, without buff damage accordingly decreased by 15% (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=class-formulas) * Increased PvP damage for all Classes vs DL by +3% (3% lower PvP defense on DL)
Changelog 08.01.2025 - PART 1 ✅ * Updated PK Price settings and price itself, info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=pk-settings * Updated drop guide module functionality: https://elitemu.net/drop --- added missing ticket mats in drop item list --- fixed some improper data display in specific scenarios and select map error issues * Changed monthly winner count in TOP Voters from 10 to 15 winners --- prize reward in all servers were slightly adjusted as well, info @ Rankings page * Changed BC8 event reward drop rates *(increased +5% chance for Chaos Cards)* * Changed BK delay time between next combo from 0.4 seconds to 0.5 seconds * Changed Kalima 1-6 map reduction to -5% EXP and -5% DROP *(previously was -10% EXP and -10% DROP)* * Changed Illusion of Kundun respawn time in Kalima 1-6 --- [new] respawn times K1: 1h, K2: 1h, K3: 2h, K4: 2h, K5: 3h, K6: 3h * Changed monster minimum level to 115 in maps: Vulcanus, BC8, DS7, CC7, Land of Trials --- fixed improper defense stats for some Vulcanus monsters --- changed Kanturu2 monster Gigantis level from 113 to 115 and Berserker from 115 to 116 *(same changes in DS7)* * Removed Zen drop in BC 1-8 and DS 1-7 *(prevent players from running around and collecting Zen)* --- focus now is on EXP/event reward and possible regular jewel drops * Removed Monster HP decrease bonus (5%) after successful Crywolf Event *(machine mix: +5% bonus - stays)* * Increased Invasion/Event-type monster stats *(for: Mini Bosses, White/Red Wizard, Red Dragon, Golden monsters, TOP Bosses, etc.)* --- monster HP was doubled *(+100% HP)*, for some some specific monsters HP was increased by 200-300% --- monster min & max Damage was increased by +10% *(on average)*, not on all monsters - mostly for Golden monsters and TOP Bosses --- regular monsters stats *(in spots where players are leveling)* were not changed * Increased Monster and Player View Range in all maps --- now can see monsters and players in longer distances Changelog 08.01.2025 - PART 2 ✅ * Changed BC/DS/CC event reward and drop rates % *(now CC7 will always give a good reward)* * Changed Sealed Box reward, drop rate % and drop level rules: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=sealed-box --- Drop level rules: Sealed Silver Box from 72+ level monsters, Sealed Golden Box 90+ level monsters * Changed BC/DS/Kalima ticket mats drop level rules: https://elitemu.net/drop *(this update was also from yesterday)*
Finally, the v3.0 of HARD x10 (NO WEBSHOP) server is ready for launch. We have improved bunch of things, so - if you liked the server before, then now - you will like it even more. Join Us ! INFORMATION ABOUT "HARD" x10 SERVER OPENING 6.DECEMBER (19:00 by Server Time) ELITEMU - COMMUNITY LINKS • Website: https://elitemu.net • Registration: https://elitemu.net/registration • Downloads: https://elitemu.net/downloads • Discord: https://discord.gg/dHj7YmPaWY (Community Group) HARD x10 - GAME DATA • Version: Season 6 Episode 3 • Experience: x10 • Master EXP: x5 • Drop: 50% • Shadow Phantom Soldier Buffer: ON (till 380 level) • VIP Buffer: ON (till 400 level) • Official MU Helper: ON • Regular items: max 2 excellent options [HOT] • Unique items: max 3 excellent options [LIMITED] • Store/Off-Store System: OFF (items for sale only in website market or regular trade) • Off-Level Mode: ON • Master Skill Tree: ON (extended) • Max Master Level: 300 • Class required level: SUM 1 = lvl, MG = 220 lvl, DL = 250 lvl, RF = 250 lvl • Points Per Level: 5/6/7 • Guild Create Level: 300 • Max Stats: 32767 • Max Total Stats (Max GR + Max Resets): SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 104675 stat points & MG, DL, RF = 110293 stat points [LIMITED] HARD x10 - RESET & GRAND RESET • Reset Limit: 50 resets • Reset Requirement: 400 level • Reset Price: 30kk * resets (items +Zen are important) • Reset Reward: 20 Coins & 30 Gold Coins ----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF ----- Clear Inventory: OFF ----- Clear Class: OFF ----- Clear Stats: ON ---------- Reset Points: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 1000 points * resets & MG, DL, RF = 1050 points * resets • Max GR: 1 (+3000 HP per GR) • GR Requirements: 50 resets & 400 level • GR Item Requirements: 5x Random system generated items [UNIQUE] • GR Price: 2kkk (items +Zen are important) • GR Reward: 2000 Coins & 300 Gold Coins [HOT] ----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF ----- Clear Inventory: OFF ----- Clear Class: OFF ----- Clear Stats: ON ---------- Points for GR: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 52500 points & MG, DL, RF = 55000 points HARD x10 - IN-GAME COMMANDS • In-game Commands: ON ----- /post: global chat, requirement level: 10 (100k Zen) ----- /stat: add stat points (example: /str, /agi, /vit, /ene, /cmd) ----- /resetstats: reset stats to stat points ----- /resetml: reset ML points (10kk Zen, need 400 level) ----- /mix jewel amount: Mix jewels into bundle (example: /mix bless 10) ----- /unmix jewel amount: Unmix bundle into single units ----- /ware 0/1/2/3/4: Change warehouse ----- /vipware : (VIP) Open warehouse from any safezone [HOT] ----- /request off/on/auto: to deny or accept any requests (trade, party and other requests) ----- /setparty password: to create party with password (party is saved on password, not on player name, so password must be unique) ----- /joinparty password: to join party with password ----- /marry to: to propose and accept marry ----- /marry track/trace: teleports you to your husband/wife ----- /war guild: challange another guild to guild war ----- /item name: find all item information (example: /staff of kundun) HARD x10 - EVENT INFORMATION • Monster Level: ON (press + hold ALT key on monster to see monster stats) • Monster HP: ON (can see monster HP bar) • Dropped Item Info: ON (press + hold ALT key on item to see options) • Marry System: ON • Auto Reconnect System: ON (up to 15 minutes) [HOT] • Gens System: ON • Custom Jewels: ON [LIMITED] • Custom Options: ON [UNIQUE] • Goblin Point System: ON • Happy Hour Event: ON (extra EXP Bonus 2x times per day for 1 hour) • Cash Shop 'X': ON (pets, EXP buffs, tickets and more) [LIMITED] • Chaos Card: ON (great rewards) • Cherry Blossom: ON (useful drops) • Golden & Silver Sealed Box: ON • Extra EXP locations: ON (extra EXP Bonus in specific maps) • And More HARD x10 - WEBSITE FEATURES • Exchange W Coins (C): ON (can ONLY collect, can not donate) • Clear Inventory: ON • Vote Reward: ON (vote every 12h - Free Coins) • Quests (Achievements): ON [HOT] • Character Market: ON • Currency Market: ON • Item Market: ON • Senior Lord Mix: ON (Unique 380 lvl weapons with 3 excellent options) [HOT] • Lucky Coins Lottery: ON (Unique Rings & Pendants with 3 excellent options) [HOT] • Item Shop: ON [LIMITED] ----- FO items: OFF (max 2 excellent options) ----- Item level +15 in Webshop: OFF (max level +12, only in-game max level +15) ----- BOK +4, BOK +5 items in Webshop: OFF ----- 380 lvl items in Webshop: OFF ----- Ancient items in Webshop: OFF ----- Socket items in Webshop: OFF ----- 3rd lvl wings in Webshop: OFF ----- Fenrir & other Pets in Webshop: OFF • And More HARD x10 - PARTY BONUS • Party Exp Bonus: ON (all party members must have different classes to get EXP Bonus) ----- Duo Exp Bonus: + 0% EXP ----- Bronze Party Exp Bonus: + 3% EXP ----- Silver Party Exp Bonus: + 4% EXP ----- Gold Party Exp Bonus: + 5% EXP
Changelog 15.11.2024 - PART 1 ✅ * Fixed drop for Aida3 (red monsters) were dropping 3x lower instead of expected 2x lower Gem of Secret drop * Fixed wrong visual text info about damage increase/absorb for Cape of Lord (in website) * Added Horn of Uniria in Lorencia NPC shop (only in HIGH x1000 server) * Added DS +1/2/3 and BC +1/2/3/4 tickets in Lorencia NPC shop (only in HIGH x1000 server) * Changed damage rate in Duel, Chaos Castle, Gens (in Battle Map Vulcanus) from 90% back to 100% (1:1 damage as in all regular maps) --- damage during Castle Siege stays the same with 80% output (so 20% reduction, reason -> quite a big mass of players) * Increased Golden Monster invasion start from every 4 hours to every 2 hours (only in HIGH x1000 server) * Increased drop rate for items which are dropping from regular monsters by 20-30% (only in HIGH x1000 server) Changelog 15.11.2024 - PART 2 ✅ * PvP updates (changes & adjustments): --- BK PvP damage vs all classes was slightly adjusted (increased and decreased) by max 1-2% (depending vs class) --- RF PvP damage vs all classes was increased from 4% - 10% (depending vs class) --- PvP damage vs RF was increased by 4% - 10% (depending vs class, for BK damage was just small % adjusted) --- PvP damage for all other classes vs classes was increased by 1-10% (depending vs class) --- eMG PvP damage vs all classes is now is a bit different than SM (against some classes it's higher, against some other classes it's lower) --- sMG PvP damage vs all classes now is more gradual and balanced (damage against RF/DL was slightly decreased and increased against BK) --- DL PvP and PvM damage was increased by 12% from STR stats (even less ENE dependent, better damage faster) --- DL PvP and PvM damage was decreased by 12% from ENE stats (even more STR dependent) --- DL PvP and PvM max damage potential was decreased by 12% (from ENE, based on DPS tests) * Increased SUM Sleep skill max rate (hit chance) from 25% to 50% --- changed skill effect max duration from 5 to 4 seconds * Increased SUM Innovation (Lesser Defense) skill effect max rate from 20% to 30% --- changed skill effect max duration from 1+ minute to 37 seconds --- changed defense reduction formula, increased requirement for higher ENE for max effects * Decreased SUM Weakness (Lesser Damage) skill effect max rate from 20% to 15% --- changed skill effect max duration from 1+ minute to 21 seconds --- changed damage reduction formula, increased requirement for higher ENE for max effects * PvM damage: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=pvm-damage * Skill info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=class-formulas
Changelog 08.11.2024 ✅ * Increased PvP damage for Classes vs BK by up to ~10% (damage was increased for all classes vs BK, except for BK vs BK itself) * Changed /vipware command price from 100k to 0 (now VIPs can use this command for free, open warehouse from any place in safe zone) * Changed Silver and Gold medal item level for Ring and Pendant to +6 (for all servers) * Removed restriction for Zen Token in website, now it can be sold in web market again
Finally, the v3.0 of HIGH rate server is here and ready for launch ! Many things have been added, changed and improved, so - if you liked the server before, then now - you will like it even more. Join Us ! INFORMATION ABOUT "HIGH" x1000 SERVER OPENING 8.NOVEMBER (19:00 by Server Time) ELITEMU - COMMUNITY LINKS • Website: https://elitemu.net • Registration: https://elitemu.net/registration • Downloads: https://elitemu.net/downloads • Discord: https://discord.gg/dHj7YmPaWY (Community Group) HIGH x1000 - GAME DATA • Version: Season 6 Episode 3 • Experience: x1000 (DYNAMIC EXP) ----- 0 GR = x1000 ----- from 1 - 6 GR = x900 (-10%, less EXP) ----- from 7 - 12 GR = x800 (-20%, less EXP) ----- from 13 - 18 GR = x700 (-30%, less EXP) ----- from 19 - 24 GR = x600 (-40%, less EXP) ----- from 25 - 30 GR = x500 (-50%, less EXP) • Master EXP: x20 • Drop: 50% • Shadow Phantom Soldier Buffer: ON (till 380 level) • VIP Buffer: ON (till 400 level) • Official MU Helper: ON • Regular items: max 2 excellent options [HOT] • Unique items: max 3 excellent options [LIMITED] • Store/Off-Store System: OFF (items for sale only in website market or regular trade) • Off-Level Mode: ON • Master Skill Tree: ON (extended) • Max Master Level: 300 • Class required level: SUM 1 = lvl, MG = 220 lvl, DL = 250 lvl, RF = 250 lvl • Points Per Level: 5/6/7 • Guild Create Level: 300 • Max Stats: 32767 • Max Total Stats (Max GR + Max Resets): SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 104675 stat points & MG, DL, RF = 110293 stat points [LIMITED] HIGH x1000 - RESET & GRAND RESET • Reset Limit: 50 resets • Reset Requirement: 400 level • Reset Price: 500k * resets (items +Zen are important) • Reset Reward: 10 Coins & 5 Gold Coins ----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF ----- Clear Inventory: OFF ----- Clear Class: OFF ----- Clear Stats: ON ---------- Reset Points: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 850 points * resets & MG, DL, RF = 950 points * resets • Max GR: 20 (+150 HP per GR) • GR Requirements: 50 resets & 400 level • GR Item Requirements: 3x Random system generated items [UNIQUE] • GR Price: Dynamic (items +Zen option might be useful) ----- 0 GR = 250kk ----- from 1 - 6 GR = 300kk ----- from 7 - 12 GR = 350kk ----- from 13 - 18 GR = 400kk ----- from 19 - 24 GR = 450kk ----- from 25 - 30 GR = 500kk • GR Reward: 500 Coins & 50 Gold Coins [HOT] ----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF ----- Clear Inventory: OFF ----- Clear Class: OFF ----- Clear Stats: ON ---------- on 1st GR: 5500 points ---------- on 2nd GR: 10500 points ---------- on 3rd GR: 15500 points ---------- on 4th GR: 20000 points ---------- on 5th GR: 24500 points ---------- on 6th GR: 28500 points ---------- on 7th GR: 32500 points ---------- on 8th GR: 36000 points ---------- on 9th GR: 39500 points ---------- on 10th GR: 42500 points ---------- on 11th GR: 45500 points ---------- on 12th GR: 48000 points ---------- on 13th GR: 50500 points ---------- on 14th GR: 52500 points ---------- on 15th GR: 54500 points ---------- on 16th GR: 56000 points ---------- on 17th GR: 57500 points ---------- on 18th GR: 58500 points ---------- on 19th GR: 59500 points ---------- on 20th GR: 60000 points HIGH x1000 - IN-GAME COMMANDS • In-game Commands: ON ----- /post: global chat, requirement level: 10 (100k Zen) ----- /stat: add stat points (example: /str, /agi, /vit, /ene, /cmd) ----- /resetstats: reset stats to stat points ----- /resetml: reset ML points (10kk Zen, need 400 level) ----- /mix jewel amount: Mix jewels into bundle (example: /mix bless 10) ----- /unmix jewel amount: Unmix bundle into single units ----- /ware 0/1/2/3/4: Change warehouse ----- /vipware : (VIP) Open warehouse from any safezone [HOT] ----- /request off/on/auto: to deny or accept any requests (trade, party and other requests) ----- /setparty password: to create party with password (party is saved on password, not on player name, so password must be unique) ----- /joinparty password: to join party with password ----- /marry to: to propose and accept marry ----- /marry track/trace: teleports you to your husband/wife ----- /war guild: challange another guild to guild war ----- /item name: find all item information (example: /staff of kundun) HIGH x1000 - EVENT INFORMATION • Monster Level: ON (press + hold ALT key on monster to see monster stats) • Monster HP: ON (can see monster HP bar) • Dropped Item Info: ON (press + hold ALT key on item to see options) • Marry System: ON • Auto Reconnect System: ON (up to 15 minutes) [HOT] • Gens System: ON • Custom Jewels: ON [LIMITED] • Custom Options: ON [UNIQUE] • Goblin Point System: ON • Happy Hour Event: ON (extra EXP Bonus 2x times per day for 1 hour) • Cash Shop 'X': ON (pets, EXP buffs, tickets and more) [LIMITED] • Chaos Card: ON (great rewards) • Cherry Blossom: ON (useful drops) • Golden & Silver Sealed Box: ON • Extra EXP locations: ON (extra EXP Bonus in specific maps) • And More HIGH x1000 - WEBSITE FEATURES • Exchange W Coins (C): ON (can ONLY collect, can not donate) • Clear Inventory: ON • Vote Reward: ON (vote every 12h - Free Coins) • Quests (Achievements): ON [HOT] • Character Market: ON • Currency Market: ON • Item Market: ON • Senior Lord Mix: ON (Unique 380 lvl weapons with 3 excellent options) [HOT] • Lucky Coins Lottery: ON (Unique Rings & Pendants with 3 excellent options) [HOT] • Item Shop: ON [LIMITED] ----- FO items: OFF (max 2 excellent options) ----- Item level +15 in Webshop: OFF (max level +12, only in-game max level +15) ----- BOK +4, BOK +5 items in Webshop: OFF ----- 380 lvl items in Webshop: OFF ----- Ancient items in Webshop: OFF ----- Socket items in Webshop: OFF ----- 3rd lvl wings in Webshop: OFF ----- Fenrir & other Pets in Webshop: OFF • And More HIGH x1000 - PARTY BONUS • Party Exp Bonus: ON (all party members must have different classes to get EXP Bonus) ----- Duo Exp Bonus: + 0% EXP ----- Bronze Party Exp Bonus: + 3% EXP ----- Silver Party Exp Bonus: + 4% EXP ----- Gold Party Exp Bonus: + 5% EXP
Changelog 30.10.2024 (PvP & PvM) - PART 1 ✅ * Fixed Dark Side skill attack speed --- Killing Blow is also a good alternative skill for solo-targets --- adjusted PvP damage against vs classes on Dark Side skill (small adjustments, since attack speed increment gave good results) --- now PvP and PvM DPS damage should be more faster/better (more fair pvp/boss fights) * Added Dark Side Strengthener range increase to 6 (regular skill = 5, ML skill = 6) * Added Power Slash Strengthener range increase to 6 (regular skill = 5, ML skill = 6) * Changed Fire Slash skill distance range from 2 to 3 (regular skill = 3) --- removed Fire Slash Strengthener (ML) range increase * Decreased PvP damage on Cometfall skill by 9% * Decreased PvM damage on Cometfall skill by 4%, on Flame skill by 6% --- now Cometfall DPS is still better than Flame (on high stats), but it has lower attack distance --- now there will be more similar boss/statue DPS fights * Increased SUM PvM damage by 10% on all skills (more fair boss fights) --- now Chain Lightning skill has more similar DPS as Flame --- now Lightning Shock deals even higher damage compared to other class equal-type skills (like Gigantic/Ice Storm), but Lightning Shock skill itself has lower attack speed by default ----- DPS might be higher on start/mid-stage, but DPS lower after mid-stage, especially when getting closer to end-stage (comparing Lightning Shock to Gigantic/Ice Storm) * Increased SUM PvP damage on Lightning Shock skill by 15% * Increased SUM PvP damage on Chain Lightning and Drain Life skill up to 20% (depending vs class) * Increased MG PvM damage on Power Slash and Flame Strike skill by 4% * Increased sMG PvP damage by 6% (only for MG STR skills, more fair fights) --- now MG can have/use different builds and ways to train and fight, and both has its own advantages/disadvantages * Decreased BK Shield +skill defense rate from 20% to 5% --- decreased shield +skill duration effect time from 4 to 1 second Changelog 30.10.2024 - PART 2 ✅ * Fixed Server Time (all events will start at same time as it was before the time shift) * Fixed reported issues with Quests rewards (Achievements) * Fixed Mana/Life option display order (game) * Fixed Harmony DDi and regular +add option data display (website) * Fixed text message data and improved more accurate data texts (game) * Fixed Team vs Team map spawn issues when doing switch * Added 10 New Quests (Achievements) * Added +skill option for Mace and Flail weapons * Added option to use Jewel of Luck on Wings * Added new unique jewel named Jewel of Brilliance (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=unique-jewels) * Added New Custom Options for 3 item types: 2lvl/3lvl Wings, Accessories (Pendants and Rings), Divine weapons (only for Exc. type weapons) (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=item-level) * Changed Balgass Boss item drop to 3 excellent option with 100% chance * Changed Off-Level Mode buff checking time from 10 to 1 second (off-level mode now is more safe and stable) * Changed successful start of Off-Level Mode will move you back to server list * Removed all other languages except ENG * Removed option to change guild member position (like guild assistant change) during Castle Siege * Removed posibility to add Zen Token for sale in web market (for Zen currency related things please use Currency Market) * Removed Party Gap Level restrictions (maybe in future if it gets rebuilt - it will be turned back with other settings) * Increased Jewel Drop % chance from Lunar Rabbits, Pouch of Blessings and Fire Flame Ghosts (less often Zen drops) * Increased Ring Drop % higher than Pendant from Skeleton King (more Ring drops) * Increased Stadium (Non-PvP) map EXP and DROP from 80% to 85% (from 20% decrement to 15% decrement) * NEW Game Client v3.1 is REQUIRED and available @ Downloads: https://elitemu.net/downloads
Changelog 17.10.2024 - PART 1 ✅ * Fixed all reported issues related to Vote Reward * Fixed Chaos Card Mini dropping Pendants +6 instead of +7 * Added ML EXP Bonus +10% for all VIP packages * Added ability to drop items on ground on items like: Imp, Guardian Angel, Demon, Spirit of Guardian, Horn of Uniria, Pet Unicorn * [HOT] Removed option to pick up items and zen during Off-Level Mode for non-VIP accounts --- very effective method against bot farms (works as protection method) --- works like a "verification" method, because fake accounts certainly wont have VIP subscription ------ want loot ? => join and play game online ------ need just levels and keep the progress going ? => can leave char in off-level mode * Increased Doppelganger and Imperial Guardian event monster strength (now all rooms are similarly strong) * Increased higher success mix % probability for obtaining the good Seeds (slightly less bad Seeds crafted) * Changed Ice skill effect time (for skills: Ice, Ice Storm) on mobility speed decrease from 10 to 3 seconds (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=class-formulas) * Changed Off-Level potion delay checking time from ~330 to ~500 milliseconds (as it was "eating" Potions too fast) * Changed Cherry Blossom Branch rewards (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=cherry-blossom) --- White Cherry Blossom Branch: now has chance to obtain Feather or Crest --- Red Cherry Blossom Branch: now has chance to obtain also other Pets not just Pet Unicorn * Changed item drop for Gemstone and Spirit of Dark Horse/Raven in VIP Arena (now drop % rate is same as in Kanturu) * Changed item drop for Gem of Secret in Aida3 red monsters (now its 3x lower instead of 5x lower than Karutan) * [HOT] Changed CASTLE SIEGE fight start time to 19:00 PM by Server Time (for servers: x10 and x30, info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=castle-siege) Changelog 17.10.2024 (PvP & PvM) - PART 2 ✅ * Fixed eMG skill damage in PvM and PvP (eMG skills 100% correctly working in PvM and PvP, now MG can also go to PvP as eMG) --- eMG has ~2% more damage than SM in PvP (as MG is lacking helm, etc.) --- eMG Gigantic Storm skill has ~5% more damage compared to Decay/Ice Storm in PvP and PvM (since Decay has Poison effect and Ice Storm skill has Ice effect) * Decreased sMG skill damage by ~30% from ENE stats in PvM and PvP (even more STR dependent) --- sMG Twisting Slash damage in PvP: ~50% less damage than BK (to make MG to use its own MG specific skills instead of BK in PvP) --- sMG Twisting Slash damage in PvM: ~15% less damage than BK (with 32k STR and 32k ENE) * Increased sMG skill damage by ~10% from STR stats in PvM and PvP (even less ENE dependent, better damage faster) --- sMG Twisting Slash damage in PvM: ~15% more damage than BK (with 32k STR and 0 ENE, as MG is lacking helm, have no Combo, etc.) * Increased RF damage by ~3% in PvP * Increased RF Dark Side skill damage by ~6% in PvM * Increased RF max Life (HP) potential by 25%, from 2.0 to 2.5 HP per every point on VIT stat (as RF suppose to be and was in the good old days => a semi-tank + as RF is lacking helm and shield) --- now RF also can choose to go as damager/attacker and have max STR with only partial buffs from ENE or go as tank/defense and have full buffs from ENE (tank/defense build wasnt an option earlier as it wasnt quite effective) * Decreased RF defense by ~3% in PvP (due to 25% max HP increase) * Decreased ELF skill damage by ~15% from AGI stat in PvM and PvP (still AGI dependent, more than 60%+ damage comes from AGI) * Increased ELF skill damage by ~15% from STR stat in PvM and PvP (STR stat comes more important after AGI is maxed) * Decreased Cometfall skill damage by ~4% in PvM and PvP * Increased DL Defense Success Rate by ~35% in PvM (better PvM defense) * Increased RF Defense Success Rate by ~20% in PvM (better PvM defense) NOTE: > PvP and PvM fights between classes now should be more equal, fair and interesting during all stages/builds ! NOTE 2: > ELF max damage potential in PvM and PvP is still same, just damage progress now is more linear not rapid, as ~15% of damage was "transferred" from AGI into STR NOTE 3: > Depending on results and collected reports we will continue to make necessary PvP adjustments in next update releases.
Changelog 04.10.2024 * Fixed issue when Blue Golem monster on attack takes away a lot of Mana (no more wasted Mana pots) * Added Gem of Secret drop chance from Chaos Card Rare (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=chaos-card) * Added Condor Shard drop chance from Chaos Card Gold (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=chaos-card) * Changed SwampOfPeace Map EXP Bonus from +15% to +20% (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=map-info) * Increased Condor Shard drop rate in SwampOfPeace, now drop rate is same as for Condor Flame in Barracks * Disabled Guild PK and Guild Alliance PK in all almost all regular maps --- Guild and Allience PK is still active in maps: ValleyOfLoren, LandOfTrials, Crywolf, Barracks, Refuge --- PvP rings will not work/wont be active for guild/ally members (later there will be a new place created for this) --- to test damage, etc., you can go to PK active maps like Crywolf PK free zone or make Duels * Changed Duel/Chaos Castle/Gens damage from 90% to 100% (damage now is 1:1 like its in all regular maps)
Changelog 26.09.2024 - PART 1 ✅ * Fixed incorrect ML EXP increment (in x10 and x30 servers, now ML EXP is adjusted according to Guides) * Fixed Drop Guide not showing any drop info or empty data on specific monsters and maps (info: https://elitemu.net/drop) --- next updates related to Drop Guide most likely will be v2 module upgrade (which will include and all rare and special item drop info, for items like: Feather, Crest, Condor, ticket parts, etc.) * Fixed issue of PK increase when you kill player in area of Team vs Team event after event is ended --- changed: TvT event reward now is added in inventory * Added few more skills in drop during Battle Royale event (now there are at least 2 attacking skills dropping for each class) * Added Gem of Secret drop in Aida3 map (only from red monsters) with 5x lower drop chance than Karutan 1-2 * Added Spirit of Dark Horse and Raven drop in VIP Arena with 2x lower drop chance than Kanturu 1-3 * Added Spirit of Dark Horse and Raven drop in Raklion 1-2 (to increase the usability of Raklion map) * Added New spots and monster spawn coordinates in DS 1-7 event (4 spots in total on each DS) --- increased event player limit: 20 players (same as BC event) --- increased daily entry limit: +1 entry, now 5 per day (same as BC event) --- increased DS ticket part drop rate % (same as BC event) Changelog 26.09.2024 - PART 2 ✅ * Changed Rare item drop rate level rules (to prevent alts from farming easy tickets from low level monsters), now: --- Sign of the Lord: drops starting from 90+ level monsters --- Suspicious Scrap of Paper, Sign of Dimensions ticket parts: drops starting from 115+ level monsters --- BC8, DS7, Kalima7 ticket parts: drops starting from 115+ level monsters --- BC7, DS6, Kalima6 ticket parts: drops up to 114 level monsters * Changed Map EXP bonus on Swamp of Peace from 10% to 15% * Changed monster level (all stats) for monsters in Swamp of Peace (info: https://elitemu.net/drop/map/Swamp-of-Peace) --- minimum monster level in Swamp of Peace now is 115 * Changed Off-Level potion delay checking time from 1 second to ~330 milliseconds (now, higher chance to survive during Off-Level mode) * Changed Team vs Team Event duration time from 10 to 3 minutes * Changed Lucky Coin (x10) exchange rewards, harmony was replaced with chaos (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=lucky-coins) --- to increase the value for Gemstone/Harmony and make this "gem/jewel" more unique, and make it less "accessable" especially on early stage --- to increase the accessability for chaos as its the main jewel for mixing and is quite requested/necessary * Updated Leveling Road info requirements (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=leveling-road) --- much more accurate info based on all the update changes we have released * Updated info about Maps: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=map-info
Helper rewards (application) Helper Bonuses (every 7 days): Base reward for helping: 1000-2500 Coins + additional bonus: 0-500 Coins for high activity: consistently helping in Discord and Game, participating in Discord discussions, giving suggestions, reports and feedbacks + additional bonus: 0-1000 Coins for specific tasks: very rarely, but there might be some tasks which could be offered from admin, depending on tasks difficulty amount of bonus will be added (New Helpers: 1000-2000 Coins / weekly) : 1-2 months (Advanced Helpers: 2500-4000 Coins / weekly) : 2+ months (minimum) Helper requirements/responsibilities: must be polite - bad language, cursing, hateful speaking is not allowed (minimum as possible), especially towards some specific player or administration must be helpful - reply to player questions about website and game (mostly discord, but in game as well) must be familiar with game server settings, drops, bosses, events and rewards must be familiar with our Guides and know which section contains what kind of information: https://guide.elitemu.net (to help players fast as possible by providing info/links related to their question) must be familiar and know EliteMU Community base rules: https://elitemu.net/rules must already have decently high activity on game and discord must have decent history (no toxic/completely non-sense or disrespectful actions) if you can not help the player, feel free to reply to contact admin...something like: "please contact admin newst1le via Support by creating a Ticket (website) on by sending PM (Discord)" If you want to become a Streamer, make sure you actually can do the minimum requirements before applying, and then contact "newst1le" on Discord Helper application: - how old are you: - where you from: - what languages you know: - how/where did you find our server: - have you invited any friends in EliteMU (if yes, how many): - which server rates are you playing now and might play consider to play in future (x10 / x30 / x200 / x1000): - what's your main character name (in game): - any previous experience in MuOnline as GM/Helper/Tester: - how and why do you want to help us: - why do you think you would be a good candidate for Helpers group: - more info... (if anything):
Changelog 04.09.2024 - (PART 1) ✅ * Fixed Battle Royale event NPC entry reported issues * Fixed Character Market reported issues (website) * Added Gold Fenrir mix protection to avoid accidental wrong mixes --- still must be careful when crafting Black/Blue fenrir, make sure you are adding Red Fenrir in mix instead of Blue/Black * Added Illusion of Kundun I-VI kill reward: wcoinC, wcoinP, GP --- changed Illusion of Kundun I-VI respawn time to 4 hours * Added PK Free zones in red color in TAB map * Added New spots in (LOT) Land of Trials (now all regular map spots re-work from 0 is completely finished) * Added New Red Wizard Invasion in Noria --- changed Ring of Wizard drop chance to 10% (for both - White and Red Wizards) --- changed Skeleton King invasion start time 10 minutes earlier * Added New Pouch of Blessing Invasion (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=pouch-of-blessing) * Added New Flame Ghost Invasion (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=fire-flame-ghost) * Added New Blue Chaos Goblin monster with regular spawn (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=chaos-goblin) * Added ~50% extra drop chance for Zen in Vulcanus map (Zen drop amount was not increased, but Zen drop chance was increased) --- on avarage in Vulcanus now drops Zen about ~50% more often (which results in ~50% more Zen collected than any other map monster with the same level) * Added New Condor Shard item and new Condor Flame mix (need 5x Shard pieces for mix, info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=wings3) --- drops in SwampOfPeace map from all monsters (drop rate is 5x lower than Condor Flame in Barracks) Changelog 04.09.2024 - (PART 2) ✅ * Changed LOT drop to Non-Exc. Ancient items for x200 as well (all servers now have this change) * Changed Elite Hell Maine invasion start time 10 minutes later * Changed Kundun Boss drop to 100% Exc. Ancient item only (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=boss-rewards) * Changed Reset Delay system requirements for x10 and x30 servers, now each part needs 10 players to unlock the next part (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=reset-delay-system) * Changed Doppelganger event time to 5 minutes * Changed BC and DS reward add type (now reward is added in inventory instead of drop) * Changed Dark Elf and Balgass (Freeze) Stun effect from 50% to 30% chance * Changed STAGE system requirements and activation rules for all servers and changed into 5 STAGES in total (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=stage-system) --- players been reporting a while ago that some parts of STAGE were quite silent/booring, so in these new changes every STAGE will be intersting again (especially, with the all the new things we have lately included) * Changed Reset Delay system, now on each Reset unlock part needs 10 players with required X resets to unlock the next part (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=reset-delay-system) --- this way we will manage to avoid huge imbalances between players for longer time and will give the chance for newcommers to catch up for longer period of time (players, who simply joined game later) --- this might be a little short-term pain for top players, but at the same time it will make game more interesting for everyone from the long-term perspective in every aspect of the game * Decreased item drop in LOT by 20% (for: regular items, jewels, ancient items, only JOG drop rate remains the same) --- since extra new spots were added in LOT, the total count of ancient item drop per whole map needed to be balanced out * Decreased Jewel of Chaos drop by 20% from regular monsters * Decreased Jewel of Creation drop by 30% from regular monsters (PATCH v3.0.1 is REQUIRED and available @ Downloads)
Finally, the v3.0 of LOW x30 server is ready for launch. Since the second edition, which was launched 1 year ago, we have improved bunch of things, so - if you liked the server before, then now - you will like it even more. Join Us ! INFORMATION ABOUT "LOW" x30 SERVER OPENING 6.SEPTEMBER (19:00 by Server Time) ELITEMU - COMMUNITY LINKS • Website: https://elitemu.net • Registration: https://elitemu.net/registration • Downloads: https://elitemu.net/downloads • Discord: https://discord.gg/dHj7YmPaWY (Community Group) LOW x30 - GAME DATA • Version: Season 6 Episode 3 • Experience: x30 • Master EXP: x5 • Drop: 50% • Shadow Phantom Soldier Buffer: ON (till 380 level) • VIP Buffer: ON (till 400 level) • Official MU Helper: ON • Regular items: max 2 excellent options [HOT] • Unique items: max 3 excellent options [LIMITED] • Store/Off-Store System: OFF (items for sale only in website market or regular trade) • Off-Level Mode: ON • Master Skill Tree: ON (extended) • Max Master Level: 300 • Class required level: SUM 1 = lvl, MG = 220 lvl, DL = 250 lvl, RF = 250 lvl • Points Per Level: 5/6/7 • Guild Create Level: 300 • Max Stats: 32767 • Max Total Stats (Max GR + Max Resets): SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 104675 stat points & MG, DL, RF = 110293 stat points [LIMITED] LOW x30 - RESET & GRAND RESET • Reset Limit: 50 resets • Reset Requirement: 400 level • Reset Price: 10kk * resets (items +Zen are important) • Reset Reward: 10 Coins & 10 Gold Coins ----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF ----- Clear Inventory: OFF ----- Clear Class: OFF ----- Clear Stats: ON ---------- Reset Points: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 850 points * resets & MG, DL, RF = 900 points * resets • Max GR: 3 (+1000 HP per GR) • GR Requirements: 50 resets & 400 level • GR Item Requirements: 3x Random system generated items [UNIQUE] • GR Price: 2kkk (items +Zen are important) • GR Reward: 2500 Coins & 300 Gold Coins [HOT] ----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF ----- Clear Inventory: OFF ----- Clear Class: OFF ----- Clear Stats: ON ---------- 1st GR: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 25000 points & MG, DL, RF = 27500 points ---------- 2nd GR: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 45000 points & MG, DL, RF = 47500 points ---------- 3rd GR: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 60000 points & MG, DL, RF = 62500 points LOW x30 - IN-GAME COMMANDS • In-game Commands: ON ----- /post: global chat, requirement level: 10 (100k Zen) ----- /stat: add stat points (example: /str, /agi, /vit, /ene, /cmd) ----- /resetstats: reset stats to stat points ----- /resetml: reset ML points (10kk Zen, need 400 level) ----- /mix jewel amount: Mix jewels into bundle (example: /mix bless 10) ----- /unmix jewel amount: Unmix bundle into single units ----- /ware 0/1/2/3/4: Change warehouse ----- /vipware : (VIP) Open warehouse from any safezone [HOT] ----- /request off/on/auto: to deny or accept any requests (trade, party and other requests) ----- /setparty password: to create party with password (party is saved on password, not on player name, so password must be unique) ----- /joinparty password: to join party with password ----- /marry to: to propose and accept marry ----- /marry track/trace: teleports you to your husband/wife ----- /war guild: challange another guild to guild war ----- /item name: find all item information (example: /staff of kundun) LOW x30 - EVENT INFORMATION • Monster Level: ON (press + hold ALT key on monster to see monster stats) • Monster HP: ON (can see monster HP bar) • Dropped Item Info: ON (press + hold ALT key on item to see options) • Marry System: ON • Auto Reconnect System: ON (up to 15 minutes) [HOT] • Gens System: ON • Custom Jewels: ON [LIMITED] • Custom Options: ON [UNIQUE] • Goblin Point System: ON • Happy Hour Event: ON (extra EXP Bonus 2x times per day for 1 hour) • Cash Shop 'X': ON (pets, EXP buffs, tickets and more) [LIMITED] • Chaos Card: ON (great rewards) • Cherry Blossom: ON (useful drops) • Golden & Silver Sealed Box: ON • Extra EXP locations: ON (extra EXP Bonus in specific maps) • And More LOW x30 - WEBSITE FEATURES • Exchange W Coins (C): ON (can ONLY collect, can not donate) • Clear Inventory: ON • Vote Reward: ON (vote every 12h - Free Coins) • Quests (Achievements): ON [HOT] • Character Market: ON • Currency Market: ON • Item Market: ON • Senior Lord Mix: ON (Unique 380 lvl weapons with 3 excellent options) [HOT] • Lucky Coins Lottery: ON (Unique Rings & Pendants with 3 excellent options) [HOT] • Item Shop: ON [LIMITED] ----- FO items: OFF (max 2 excellent options) ----- Item level +15 in Webshop: OFF (max level +12, only in-game max level +15) ----- BOK +4, BOK +5 items in Webshop: OFF ----- 380 lvl items in Webshop: OFF ----- Ancient items in Webshop: OFF ----- Socket items in Webshop: OFF ----- 3rd lvl wings in Webshop: OFF ----- Fenrir & other Pets in Webshop: OFF • And More LOW x30 - PARTY BONUS • Party Exp Bonus: ON (all party members must have different classes to get EXP Bonus) ----- Duo Exp Bonus: + 0% EXP ----- Bronze Party Exp Bonus: + 3% EXP ----- Silver Party Exp Bonus: + 4% EXP ----- Gold Party Exp Bonus: + 5% EXP
Changelog 22.08.2024 - (PART 1) ✅ * Fixed reported issues with Change Name function (website) * Fixed web market issue when item data was not displayed (website) * Fixed GR required item issues (website), now all items are generated and read properly (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=gr-required-item) * Fixed VIP Buffer NPC adding improper buff effect values (NPC location changed) --- (changed) Regular Buffer now available till 380 level --- (changed) VIP Buffer now available till 400 level * Fixed reported issues in Drop Guide v1 module (info: https://elitemu.net/drop) * Fixed crypto (Binance) payment reported issues --- currently only showing regular item drop (v2 module - will include special item drop info, like crest/loch/event ticket parts, etc.) * Added new HD Interface for game client v3.0.0 (full game client download is required, no patch available in this release) * Added new more correct text descriptions and messages (more to be changed) * Added Doppelganger (Mirror of Dimensions) event (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=doppelganger-event) --- collect 5x Sign of Dimensions to create a Mirror of Dimensions ticket (ticket part drop is much lower than Suspicious Scrap of Paper) --- event will also increases the reason why to collect socket sets as it will be easier now to get ancient items for seed mixes --- event is not EXP focused, but is reward focused - same as Imperial Guardian event * Added new daily event Team vs Team (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=team-vs-team) * Added new special map VIP Arena - available only for VIP players (12x spots, with Kanturu 1-3 monsters - 6x per each spot) --- Gemstone drop rate is 50% lower compared to Kanturu maps --- exp is lowered, but slightly higher than Stadium (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=non-pvp-maps) * Added (DS) Devil Square Event item reward for 1st place, Zen rewards stay (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=devil-square) Changelog 22.08.2024 - (PART 2) ✅ * Added new Boss Elite Hell Maine in Aida3 (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=boss-respawn) --- will see more often 380lvl full sets on players (also, extra good materials for combination mixes) * Added Aida3 Boss room as PK Free zone (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=non-pvp-maps) * Added new item Zen Token (Can be bought and sold in the NPC shop for 1 KKK Zen) * Added new item Jewel of Removal (Item is used to remove additional option from your item) * Added new item Jewel of Luck (Item is used to add luck option to your item, BUT it can not be used on Wings) --- new Unique Jewels can only be crafted via chaos machine mix (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=unique-jewels * Added option to mix Gold Fenrir and Jewel of Skill in chaos machine mix (website Item Crafting module is removed) --- now Gold Fenrir also can be crafted by using 2x same type of fenrirs (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=fenrir) * Added Jewel of Harmony (Yellow) option support for item level +14 and +15 (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=harmony-option) --- max DDi option now is 7% (max total DDi (%) has increased for all classes, RF: +8%, MG/SUM: +10%, SM/ELF/BK/DL: +12%) * Added new Custom Options for item level +13, +14 and +15 (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=item-level) --- to push all players to upgrade all their set items to maximum level and get extra benefits --- item Custom Options are only activated on items with levels: +13, +14 and +15 (for each additional level custom option activates it) --- item Custom Options can only activated on: Set Items (Weapons, Shields and Armors) --- visual info text will start to show up only on items with level +9 (or more), to not consume too much text space on items with low level --- website will only show item existing custom options (no grey info message will be displayed to save visual text space) Changelog 22.08.2024 - (PART 3) ✅ * Added new 3x different type Chaos Goblin monsters as regular monster spawn (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=chaos-goblin) --- each type have different rewards and respawn times (each type unlocks at different STAGE 4/5/6) --- added new item Red Chaos Box and Green Chaos Box (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=chaos-box) * Added W Coins (C) rewards from killing specific monsters like Goldens, Bosses, etc. (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=wcoins-c) --- GC reward from RES/GR is already lowered in x30, but in x10, x200, x1000 RES/GR GC reward will be reduced later by ~20% (so its do/participate/hunt to get reward instead of just leveling) * Added EXP increment by 5% on all Fenrir types - Red, Blue, Black, Gold (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=pets-rings) * Added new PvP balance for all classes, previously weaker classes now have more decent damage (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=class-formulas) --- MG skills have different damage "rules" (settings) in PvM and PvP (when using BK or SM skills, for more - check the link above) * Removed DL Summon use in Non-PvP maps (like Stadium, VIP Arena, etc.) * Removed Delgado NPC from Lorencia, now its only in Devias (under 2nd Class Quest/Marlon NPCs) * Removed Ancient + Excellent item drop in Land of Trials (LOT) (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=ancient-items) --- now items with Ancient option + Excellent option only drop from Bosses (Kundun 7) --- for x200 server it will stay, but it will also get this updated on next update release * Increased Socket (Purple) Seed option "Maximum HP increase" max value from 4% to 7% (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=socket-system) * Increased Horn of Uniria drop by ~10x times (to be more accessable, useful - especially in start of the game for Horn of Dinorant mix) * Increased Scrap of Paper drop rate % back as it was (since many players suggested it to reverted - reverted on player reviews) * Increased PK Count Limit from 15/20 to 50 kills (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=pk-settings) Changelog 22.08.2024 - (PART 4) ✅ * Increased maximum Master Level from 250 to 300 * Increased Pet HP decreaese speed by 25% (Pet HP does down faster) * Increased Symbol of Kundun drop rate by 10-50% (lower Symbol higher %, only in x200 and x1000 servers) * Increased RF PvM Defense Success Rate by ~40% (since RF is damage is not AGI based, but STR - which was already changed decent time ago) * Decreased Cherry Blossom Play-Box item drop from monsters by 10% * Removed Ancient + Excellent item drop in Land of Trials (LOT) (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=ancient-items) --- now items with Ancient option + Excellent option only drop from Bosses (Kundun 7) --- for x200 server it will stay, but it will also get this updated on next update release * Changed Silver, Gold, Firecracker drop item level proportionally (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=medals-boxes) * Changed STAGE system invasion/event unlock requirements (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=stage-system) * Changed Red Dragon Invasion spawn with +5 extra monsters --- added 5x Baby Red Dragon monsters (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=red-dragon) * Changed Skeleton King, Mini Boss and Golden Invasion spawn coords, now monsters can spawn from the start till the end of map, except Zaikan - only in Tarkan2 (info: https://guide.elitemu.net/?page=golden-invasion) --- changed Mini Boss monster spawn count from 1 to 3 (per each boss) --- changed Skeleton King spawn only in map Dungeon 1-3 --- changed White Wizard spawn only in map Lorencia Changelog 22.08.2024 - (PART 5) ✅ * Changed donation package values, adjustmed more related to 30 days Gold VIP (reward (%) of Coins is the same as it was) * Changed (Yellow) and (Purple) option less used option values (most were increased to slightly improve the use of it) * Changed item Zen option value from +30% to +20% --- to increase the importance of having full set (including rings) instead of having partially completed set and no rings --- to increase the value of Panda Ring and Pet Unicorn (Zen (%) stays the same on these Pets, each of them gives 50%) * Changed Gem of Secret identification number, drop map/monsters, improved item utility --- old gem of secret item is not usable anymore (can be sold in regular NPC shop) --- now it drops from all monsters in Karutan 1-2 map (drop from Aida is removed) --- now its also used as an item requirement for Unique Jewel combination mix * Changed +skill option drop (%) chance from 100% (from: BOK1-BOK5, LoT, CC and other Bosses/places) to 50% --- to increase the necessity/use for Jewel of Skill (if any good weapon drops without skill, just craft and use Jewel of Skill) * Synchronized all item options and its values for Regular/Harmony/Socket/Guardian/Custom options in website * Formatted all game client language to ENGLISH (ENG) only, text translation support (more will follow) * Transition from v2.0 to v3.0 game client and the start of new thing implementation in our server configuration ! IMPORTANT: New "EliteMU Game Client v3.0.0" is released and is REQUIRED to download: https://elitemu.net/downloads
We have made many big improvements over the last year, in fact - its been exactly 1 year since we announced v2.0, now its v3.0 - crazy how fast time goes. I can guarantee that players who were expecting something specific in exact start of v2.0 (in the past) now will "get" what they were waiting for and even much better 🔥 , so...if you liked the server before, then now - you will like it even more 💯 This new PHASE 3 (v3.0) is not going to stop only with todays update release, we still got some plans and ideas which will include: new maps/some custom edits on some currently existing maps, new events, bosses and invasions, new items and item rewards in general, new crafting items and chaos combination mixes - all those things are included on todays update, but we got more in next upcoming updates. Recently, PHASE 2 successfully ended - which consisted on existing system improvements and making sure the current core (base) is good and balanced in many little aspects - since it's done and core is very decent, it's finally the time to start PHASE 3 - where every next update will bring at least 1 new thing, so this is going to be awesome time for players who were waiting for something new being added in EliteMU infrastructure. Yes - there will be new implementations and cool things yet to be added, but I want to mention, that - we will still try to limit and be careful with these called "new" things, as we do not want to make Season 6 server non-recognizable with 1000x non-sense added things without any real reason and value and make it a big mess. We want to make sure that almost every item has some kind of value, at least in some stage (do not expect here pokemon and naturo sets). This is just the start, stay tuned ! Information about todays transition into v3.0 and latest updates are posted in Discord 🔨#changelog channel - into 5 PARTS and in Forum Changelog section.